What Organic Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Entails
KS IT Consulting always talks about content. It is the content which makes your site relevant to the audience which searches the pertinent keywords important to your business. That is how you are eventually found and/or ranked in targeted local or geographical based searches.
We follow a few key steps
1) Establishing a good sitemap – Just like how you would do when you write a story. This is the story of your website.
2) Content writing – Once you establish that sitemap. Get a relevant write up of the product and/or services that you sell. Describe it! We have the right people to help the copy / content writing aspect of your business.
3) Keyword Analysis – This is the core of Search Engine Optimization. Keywords are the terms used by searchers to find information. The goal is to leverage and implement the same keywords throughout your content in a natural manner, to match the audience who’s searching for your information and you’re looking to attract. Keyword discovery and analysis is never ending. The mistake always made is choosing short tail keywords. The essence of this is to mine for strategic long tail keywords.
4) Implementation – This covers using the right automation tool. Most professional sites used an annual subscribed service so as to leverage on the optimum features offered. Other aspects cover domain & site optmisation, page optimisation as well as building quality inbound & outbound links.
5) Monitor Results – Use an Analytics tool to monitor your site visit, conversions & referrals. Use a Monitoring tool to monitor your site’s ranking.
6) REPEAT – It’s not the end game. It’s a continous process to tweak and optimise your website. It is a long run way to the reach a first page hit. You could stay there a long time provided you know your competition isn’t ahead of you.